Sober living

‎Positive Sobriety Podcast on Apple Podcasts

“It challenges the often capitalist-driven narrative that consumption equals happiness. Instead, being sober or mostly-sober promotes a more sustainable and self-aware approach to relationships and social interactions.” Those joining Club Pillar can be sober or sober curious for any reason, whether they’re in recovery or don’t drink for health reasons. That, as well as her personal experience, is why Jessie Urvater decided to found Club Pillar, the dating app designed for sober dating. As more Gen Z-ers and millennials embrace sober or sober curious lifestyles, there’s been a push to meet people without the influence of alcohol. While she was in rehab, I attended Al-Anon meetings via Zoom. I’m not too ashamed to admit, I often drank wine from a coffee mug to get through that hour.

sobriety podcasts

We’re glad that you’re here

sobriety podcasts

“They have grown up in a time of greater transparency about mental health issues and substance abuse, and they seem more willing to question societal norms,” Driscoll told Newsweek. “The rise of social media has given them a platform to share their experiences and find communities that support their choices, including those who choose to date sober.” A rock and roll-loving Gen X lawyer in a 12-step recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs. An equally rock-obsessed Millennial writer who found addiction recovery through blogging. This podcast is extremely valuable and informative for those curious about recovery.

Before Stopping Drinking

sobriety podcasts

Fortunately, in today’s world, we have the technology to bring us free recovery podcasts by The Rehab with your host Dr. Mark Leeds. If you have a smart phone, tablet, laptop or other internet-connected device, you can find recovery audio online. Meeting with other like-minded people is an excellent way to stay clean and find support. You may find that an hour-long support meeting, filled with recovery stories, helps to motivate you and gives you a sense of safety from your addiction. However, after you leave the meeting, the cravings and negative thoughts can return. Have you been thinking it’s time to take a break from drinking, only to decide that you’re “not that bad”?

  • If you use Android, you can download an app such as Podcast Addict or the Google podcast app.
  • He admits he still doesn’t have all the answers now, but what he’s learned thus far is what he wants to share with others.
  • I learned this through years of trying, all the while feeling my grandchildren’s pain and fearing for my daughter’s life.
  • Alternatively, there are people who might recommend an extended stay in rehab, where group therapy and addiction counseling are the primary starting points in the recovery process.
  • My intention for this addictions podcast was never for it to be all about sending everyone to rehab for 12-step facilitation and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Sober Tarot Card Readings by The Card Divo for the Week of July 8th

  • This podcast aims to create an environment of compassion for individuals caught in the destructive grip of the addictive process.
  • ” She emphasizes the difference a sober life can have on individuals and the freedom we can find once living addiction-free.
  • Recovery Happy Hour is a podcast hosted by Tricia Lewis, a woman in recovery who showed the world how life can improve after quitting drinking.
  • These tools will help you connect deeper to yourself, your purpose, and to the people in your life.
  • The Brobriety Sobriety Podcast is all about the intersection between sobriety and masculinity.

From hundreds of episodes, you can find lessons about dealing with anger and shame, building self-discipline and honesty, and much more. By listening to addiction podcasts, she learned she wasn’t alone in her struggle and it gave her the courage to seek true recovery. Recovery podcasts are usually hosted by people who have experienced drug or alcohol addiction and decided to share their experiences and tips with others. Peer support is invaluable throughout recovery, so hearing the stories of others is always beneficial. If you don’t know where to begin your listening experience, here are eight of the best addiction recovery podcasts we’ve found.

When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol’s influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol. Gill is the owner of the Sober Powered Media Podcast Network, which is the first network of top sober podcasts. As he gained support, developed new skills, and began to understand addiction, his depression lifted and drugs and alcohol became less critical in his life. Many of us are familiar with the term sober curious or sober curiosity, and it’s thanks to Ruby Warrington.

  • You can find messages filled with unchanging principles that you can use for your own recovery and for supporting others.
  • Elizabeth (Bizzy) Chance is in long-term recovery and has been sober for over a decade.
  • You can no more shake a person out of a drug-induced psychotic episode than you can place your hands on the skin and mend a broken bone.
  • This podcast is for anyone who wants to live an alcohol-free life, is struggling to get sober or who is in long-term recovery.
  • An equally rock-obsessed Millennial writer who found addiction recovery through blogging.