Sober living

Concerned About Your Alcohol Intake? Kudzu Could Help

kudzu for alcohol cravings

Out of the fourteen studies involving anticonvulsant drugs, eight obtained positive results for abstinence maintenance. The results were better than those observed for specific drugs used for the treatment of alcoholism, which resulted in a higher proportion of patients with cravings reduction. About anticonvulsants, from 14 articles found where abstinence and cravings reduction were evaluated, five articles showed benefits in both criteria, while eight included the cessation of abstinence. Interestingly, Baclofen resulted in the patients comprising a higher proportion of the abstinence maintenance group (three out of six articles), but a lower proportion of the cravings reduction group (two out of six). Both Gabapentin and Topiramate were focused on in two studies each with consistent results in promoting abstinence. Additionally, there were three studies on each drug that demonstrate concordant results in reducing cravings.


What’s more, the kudzu plant leaves, vine tips, and purple flower blossoms are also edible. In its raw form, kudzu root resembles other root tubers, such as potatoes or yams. The plant is a trailing vine that often grows over other plants and trees.

Health Benefits of Kudzu—Including Whether It Can Really Help Treat a Hangover

However, for Topiramate, out of the three studies, only two evaluated abstinence, and these showed favorable results in compared to those of the placebo. Mecamylamine, a nicotine antagonist, is a ganglionic cholinergic blocker, which was originally marketed for blood pressure lowering, and its use in smoking cessation blocks the rewarding effects of nicotine, and therefore, reduces the urge to smoke. The studied paper had a different result compared to that of Varenicline, showing a larger non-significant reduction in cravings than that of the placebo and no effect on promoting abstinence among smokers with alcohol dependence [62] (Table 3). A drug that is not an anticonvulsant, but has a similar action, is Baclofen. This medication is responsible for the treatment of muscle spasticity with a highly effective medullary action, and it depresses the transmission of the monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes through the stimulation of GABA B receptors.

Research Studies

kudzu for alcohol cravings

One such resource is, which offers a wealth of information, support, and guidance for individuals and their families dealing with alcoholism. He worked for many years in mental health and substance abuse facilities in Florida, as well as in home health (medical and psychiatric), and took care of people with medical and addictions problems at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He has a nursing and business/technology degrees from The Johns Hopkins University. Kudzu root may increase the risk of liver injury or interact with certain medications, like birth control. Anecdotal sources say it may also be harmful to take with medications for diabetes or blood clotting. It’s important to note that this is a case study, so it can’t prove kudzu root caused this liver injury.

  • Despite providing valuable insights, the analyzed studies have certain limitations.
  • About Gabapentin, two articles were found to have evaluated cravings, showing a benefit superior to that of the placebo, and in one of them, there was the maintenance of abstinence, while the other article did not evaluate abstinence [14,47].
  • Scientists need to do more research to investigate the potential of kudzu root to cause liver injury in humans.
  • Topiramate was analyzed in three articles, demonstrating a favorable response in two to the cessation of cravings and in maintaining abstinence [16,51].

kudzu for alcohol cravings

However, there are no kudzu products on the market in the UK carrying the THR mark. Kudzu root, leaf, and flowers have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries. But today you can find it in the supplement aisle herbs to reduce alcohol cravings of most grocery stores. Antioxidants help neutralize these molecules, reducing the risk of oxidative stress and related health problems. Dry Mouth Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, can occur as a side effect of kudzu use.

kudzu for alcohol cravings

In conclusion, while kudzu shows promise as a natural remedy for alcoholism, more rigorous clinical studies are needed to determine its effectiveness. It is crucial for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction to seek professional help and consider evidence-based treatments. While kudzu root has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, people most often use it to help treat alcohol dependence.

Will kudzu supplement pills make me drink less alcohol?

Kudzu for Alcoholism: The Ultimate Dosage Guide

  • Kudzu treatment resulted in significant reduction in the number of beers consumed, an increase in the number of sips and the time to consume each beer and a decrease in the volume of each sip.
  • For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version.
  • A total of 227 breath samples were possible from all subject visits during the trial and compliance was equally distributed between the two groups; the kudzu extract group provided 131 of a possible 136 samples and the placebo group provided 84 of a possible 91 samples.
  • The researchers gave participants either kudzu extract or a placebo every day for 4 weeks (2).
  • In addition, the two treatments greatly differed in the percent of days abstinent as well as the number of consecutive days of abstinence.